SB Sieving and factoring scores for MattWestwood (id=13337)

Last Update: Sat 19-Jun-2010 18:32 (GMT+1)

Current 'complete' window:        0 < n < 13791933
Current 'active' windows:  13791934 < n < 13991934
                           18619663 < n < 18819663
Current 'n upper bound':   14141611 

Current 90% sieve point: 82952.905T (max bias: 2073.82)

Score breakdown

                                 Total   New factors (    %)  Score change (    %)         Other (    %)
Daily change last  1 day :       -0.00          0.00 (  0.0)          0.00 (  0.0)         -0.00 (100.0)
Daily change last 33 days:       -0.00          0.00 (  0.0)          0.00 (  0.0)         -0.00 (100.0)

Largest scores

    p (T)       k         n       Score     Factor found    Score changed  Score was      could be  Reqd bias  PRP saved
  683.695P  55459  17977834        35.0  Sat 10-Apr-2010                               414322091.9    9999.99        (1)

Largest factors

    p           k         n       Score     Factor found    Score changed  Score was      could be  Reqd bias  PRP saved
  683.695P  55459  17977834        35.0  Sat 10-Apr-2010                               414322091.9    9999.99        (1)

Factors next to enter (double check) 'active window' (@n=13991934)

    p (T)       k         n       Score     Factor found    Score changed  Score was      could be  Reqd bias  PRP saved
  683.695P  55459  17977834        35.0  Sat 10-Apr-2010                               414322091.9    9999.99        (1)

Most recent finds

    p (T)       k         n       Score     Factor found    Score changed  Score was      could be  Reqd bias  PRP saved
  683.695P  55459  17977834        35.0  Sat 10-Apr-2010                               414322091.9    9999.99        (1)

Non reserved ranges

                                      FactorsU  FactorsD  FactorsE        Score

              sub-total                      1         0         0       35.000